Thanks heaps for all your classifications! New videos from Goat Island, Tāwharanui, Tūhua, Kāpiti, Tonga Island, Te Tapuwae o Rongokako, Tapuae and Te Whanganui o Hei (Cathedral Cove) are now up. Also, this project recently migrated onto Zooniverse’s new frontend codebase and design. Check out this Talk post for more details.

Thanks heaps for all your classifications! New videos from Goat Island, Tāwharanui, Tūhua, Kāpiti, Tonga Island, Te Tapuwae o Rongokako, Tapuae and Te Whanganui o Hei (Cathedral Cove) are now up. Also, this project recently migrated onto Zooniverse’s new frontend codebase and design. Check out this Talk post for more details.


Using AI to Identify New Zealand Fish

Our team has used your classifications to train an algorithm that identifies fish in underwater videos. You can read about it in the recent post published at

Underwater image, from Kapiti Marine Reserve, labelled by citizen scientists (black rectangles) and the fish identification model (white rectangles).

What does this mean to you and other citizen scientists?
The team will start using the fish identification model to filter out empty videos. This way, you are more likely to help us out classify videos that are challenging (e.g. with multiple fish and other species, or with species that are similar to each other)